2014 Ford F-150 Simple Transmission Repair in Bowling Green, KY
January 14, 2025

Well folks, we have a strange case this week. As we all know, transmissions are pretty complicated beasts. Nowadays there are hundreds, if not thousands, of moving parts inside each and every one. Sometimes even the smallest of blockages or changes can make or break a transmissions functionality. This past week we discovered a rather unique set of circumstances that can cause a torque converter (TC) to start shuttering. Lets see if you can figure out what caused it.
So a customer brings us a 2014 Ford F-150 (6r80 transmission) with a intermittent shutter. The customer states that he had the transmission serviced a few weeks prior, but it was just as a preventative maintenance and not to solve any specific issues. Take note that the vast majority of issues in modern day transmission will not be fixed with a service, it is better to get the vehicle diagnosed for any transmission related issues. Back to the point, we decided to go for a test drive and see what may be happening here. On the drive we noticed that the pressure readings for all shifts and even TC engagements where very sporadic. With this transmission that is a bit odd, typically when the converter starts failing its not a pressure issue but is instead a mechanical failure inside the torque converter itself. So what did we decide to do?
First things first, lets drop the pan on the unit and see if we can notice any debris to indicate a internal failure. A couple of hours later we got the pan off, and no debris in sight. This is good, but also confusing. We take a closer look at the valve body and see no failure in the valves or anything of that nature. This unit has several different filter options, whether it be an auto start stop truck or other varying factors. We did some research and discovered the filter used in the service by the other shop is different from the one belonging in this specific vehicle. The shop in question put a long nosed filter in instead of the short one it calls for. The long nosed one in question is crushed at the end, presumably from where it is making contact with the pan directly. This is not allowing proper fluid flow to occur, causing all sorts of issues (the most notable being the TC shutter).
So, after a proper fluid & filter change (transmission repairs), the customer was back on the road happy as can be in Bowling Green, KY.
Location: Bowling Green, KY
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